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2025 Marriage Weekend - Date Night

  • SBCC 515 North 12th Avenue Sturgeon Bay, WI, 54235 United States (map)

Attention all couples! Join us on the evening of March 7 for a Date Night. Enjoy food, live music, fun games and a talk from Trevor Kravick of FamilyLife Ministry.

Trevor & Tanya Kravick are Field Directors with FamilyLife - A Cru Ministry. They are part of a team of people committed to living out biblical principles in their homes and passionate about helping others to do the same. They live in a small rural town of 346 in northern Wisconsin. From this humble place they direct a team of over 80 individuals who live in 23 different counties. Together they are following the Lord's direction in pioneering a new movement across the nation for bringing the gospel to every home. Their team seeks to reach those far from God and far from the church, disciple believers and multiply spiritual leaders. Trevor & Tanya believe that strong marriages build strong families who impact communities that change the world. 

Sorry, registration is now CLOSED for this event. If you have signed up already, we'll see you this weekend.

March 5

Ash Wednesday Service

March 8

2025 Marriage Weekend - Marriage Seminar