As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace (1 Peter 4:10)

Current Serving Opportunities

We support and equip others to do God’s work with humility and servant hearts. We encourage others and show gratitude and love for those who serve our church family. "God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints" (Hebrews 6:10).

Here are opportunities to become involved in serving the Sturgeon Bay Community Church family. Take a look at the descriptions below and then click on the link under the ministry drop-down to get involved.

  • Provide support and care for our church family. Help with practical needs (meals, home projects, moving, etc.), support church-wide events (Annual Picnic, Game Nights, service projects, Christmas Tea, etc.), or join the prayer team.


    I’m interested in serving

  • Disciple other adults by hosting, leading, or facilitating a small group Bible study.

    Most groups meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and meet in homes or church facilities.

    I’m interested in leading

    CLICK HERE to learn more about Community Groups

  • Fulfill the important call of encouraging the youngest in our midst in their faith formation. Helpers may be caring for babies in the nursery or assisting in our teaching classes.

    Once a month during the school year. Off in summer.

    I’m interested in serving

  • Disciple the next generation of the Church with Bible study, fellowship, and fun in the name of Christ. Build intentional relationships with the youth in our community, grades 6-12. Lead a small group to facilitate good discussion and guide students in their walk with the Lord.

    Commitment: Weekly (three of four weeks/month).

    I’m interested in serving

  • Help create a warm, welcoming atmosphere on Sunday mornings. Greet attendees at the door, make coffee, serve communion or serve at the Connections area.

    One service, one Sunday per month.

    I’m interested in serving

  • Help steward the God-given physical resources of our church by helping maintain our building (painting, replacing fixtures, minor repairs, etc.) and/or grounds (mowing, trimming shrubs/trees, weeding, etc.).

    Varies; most projects take just a couple of hours.

    I’m interested in serving

  • Support our cross-cultural workers (short and long-term missionaries) through communication and prayer. Become a ‘global missionary’ without leaving Sturgeon Bay by participating in Door County BRIDGES, a local ministry to foreign college students that runs May through August each summer.


    I’m interested in serving

  • Show Christ’s love to our community. Serve in the SBCC Food Pantry on a weekly or monthly basis. Help pack meals, inventory food supplies, hand out food, listen and pray with clients.

    Minimum once per month during scheduled hours.

    I’m interested in serving

  • Help lead the congregation in worshiping the Lord through song. Sing, play an instrument, or assist in the tech booth (running slides or sound).

    Once/twice a month on Sunday mornings (both services) and a one-hour rehearsal the Thursday evening prior to your assigned Sunday.

    I’m interested in serving

Ready to serve?

The beauty of the Body of Christ is that He has uniquely gifted each of us! We welcome your gifts and want to equip you to serve in our congregation.